Monday, May 19, 2008

Stovetop Oatmeal

Special thanks to Missi for sharing with me how to make old fashioned oatmeal!

On oatmeal- put a handful of oats per person in the pot. Then add water, enough to cover the oats. You’ll know you added too much if you have runny oats in the end. =) You’ll know you didn’t add enough if your oats are chewy or sticky.

Cook on medium until you start getting bubbles and then turn it to low. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to make.

If you add too much water, you can add more oats while it is cooking, and if your mix starts to get sticky looking and unappetizing, you probably need to add more water. It’s very easy. Just do it!

That’s it! Some people prefer to cover it while it’s cooking but I don’t. I can start it, change a diaper, come back, turn down the heat. Put away some dishes from the dishwasher, and it’s done.

After they are done cooking you can add brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, etc and raisins or blueberries or strawberries. Strawberries are especially yummy with a splash of milk. (Strawberries n’ cream) You can also add a tad bit of butter and salt to your oatmeal to try to get it tastier.

You can also make extra ahead of time and refrigerate it for later. I think it keeps well for about 3 days. Then all you have to do is warm it up.

Missi, Alabama

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